Monday, March 1, 2010

Life #1 (Quick Background Update)


2:08am, March 2nd 2010. I'm gonna "quickly" take you readers back from my birth until today... and i DO mean "quickly".

Name is Jamar W. Allen, born 1983, in Bronx, NY. Went to 12 different schools, moved 31 times, served in the USN for 4yrs, been in 6 long distant relationships, had ex with 19 women, traveled to South America, Africa, n Europe, was prematurely engaged once, have no children, am wiser than some stereotypical 26yr olds yet lived foolishly free like a wild teen, and last but not least, if you know the true values of Respect, Loyalty, & Trust, then you're already someone I have no problem sharing my life experiences with... but some details aren't meant for the entire world to know. "Not Everyone Can Handle The Truth" and I learned that the hard way from many lost frendships and opportunities, shared for another day.

As of today, I "was" visiting my grandmother, after leaving the Navy, and ended up visiting for a little too long. It's now time for me to move onto being a professional film scrpt writer n get at least 10 of my 23 movies onto the big screen. $2,500 for Actors Guild & $75 Application Fee for LA School of Filming, Games, & Graphics. NOBODY Is Going To Stop Me!

First Entry (03-01-2010)


My name's Jamar Allen, and this isn't just my blog about my life, but also of my stories. If you choose to read on, you'll be updated on current events in my life, my thoughts/feelings/opinions about numerous subjects/occasions/scenarios, and also updates & random talk about some of my stories... "Bloody SODA", "Immortal Lover", "Vasha V", "Theshadowedboy", "C.O.W. Boyz", "Dark Cloud of Angels", etc. If you have any comments, questions, please feel free to Not hold back. If you have any complaints or smart remarks, share it with me on Facebook. This is more of a personal site I'm "choosing" to share, and it will be respected. Thank You for Understanding.
